Program has stopped working with APPCRASH


Our program got an error in some case, and the windows 7 pops up the following window:

xxxx has stopped working

windows can check online for a solution to the problem.

Check online for a solution and close the program

Close the program

Debug the program

When we expand the problem details, we see a APPCRASH problem event:


We searched lots of related information through internet, but most of them just mentioned Skype or other tools crashed, and or the system detected by virus.

For our case, we know the issue does not about any virus and system crash. it should be from our application.

Finally, we found the reason, it is about a TextChanged event of a ToolStripTextBox. In this event, we set a global variable to the text value, but in the final line of code, we clear the TextBox, this might make system confused or mess. but the wired thing is that why .NET environment did not find this problem, and let our application built successfully, and event can be ran in Windows 7 without any warning or crash message, just crashed and closed the application.