Some Cool New Features of Visual Studio 2015


Microsoft released Visual Studio RTM version in July 20.

I collected part of new features as the following:

1: Live property and Live tree:

I do NOT have to stop a running program and change UI, for example: I can change font size without stop my program, the changed font size will be applied right away.


2: Team activities information:

I can check team activities info for each single method in a project. But actually this feature is not new for Visual Studio, in Visual Studio 2013 updating, I have already got the similar function.


3: Lambda debugging:

I can debug lambda in Immediate Window now.


4: Analyzer Power Pack can help my writing code:

I do not need to check document to find why my code is wrong, what I missed some stuff using a plugin named Microsoft Analyzer Power Pack.


5: JavaScript and related scripts debug supported;

6: Write cross-platforms application:

Actually it is ASP.NET, which can be run on Windows, Linux and Mac;

7: Easily add custom plugins from Git:


Above content recorded from Visual Studio 2015 Release event .